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Grants for Innovation in Teaching 1 st - 12 th Graders

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From The Foundation Center...

Jordan Fundamentals Grant Programs Offers Funding for Public School Teachers

Deadline: March 30, 2008

The Jordan Fundamentals Grant Program awards $1 million annually to teachers across the United States who motivate and inspire students toward achieving excellence. The program is presented by the Jordan Brand, a division of Nike, Inc.

Applicants must be public school teachers or paraprofessionals working with students in grades one through twelve. At least 50 percent of the school's student population must be eligible for the free or reduced school-lunch program at the time of application. The program makes grants in two categories: 1) Innovation Grants: Grants averaging $2,500 each will be awarded to individual teachers for projects that will impact classroom innovation and improve instruction. 2) Inspiration Grants: Winners of Innovation Grants may apply for an Inspiration Grant. Grants totaling $10,000 will be awarded to teams of teachers in support of scaling-up implementation of approaches developed with Innovation Grants.

For complete information about the program, including eligibility requirements and application procedures, visit the Jordan Fundamentals Web site.

RFP Link:

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